North America, Latin America and Europe emissions for the period January 1, 2017–December 31, 2017

Includes all direct GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by the reporting entity.

Includes all indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam.
Emissions in metric tons CO2e
(North America, Latin America and Europe)
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2
intensity ratio: 1.06
Emissions in metric tons CO2e
(North America, Latin America and Europe)

- Notes
1. The data gathered are converted to CO2e emissions using carbon factors from the following sources in order of preference: 1) Factors provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) are used for eGrid (North America electricity); 2) Factors provided by the International Energy Agency (“IEA”) as recommended for use by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (“GHG Protocol”) for global electricity factors for electricity; and 3) Factors provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) for stationary combustion.
2. The data contained in the graphs have been independently verified by Bureau Veritas North America (“BVNA”).
3. Scope 1 emissions: The GHG Protocol definition of Scope 1 includes all direct GHG emissions; direct GHG emissions come from sources owned or controlled by the reporting entity. For Nielsen, this includes generator fuel (diesel and gasoline) and natural gas. Stationary combustion factors for the U.S. come from the EPA; Canada natural gas factors come from the Climate Registry. All other stationary combustion factors are provided by the IPCC (reference the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories). Scope 1 emissions for Latin America totaled 6.29 metric tons of CO2e, for North America totaled 631.36 metric tons of CO2e and for Europe totaled 71.87 metric tons of CO2e.
4. Scope 2 emissions: The GHG Protocol definition of Scope 2 includes all indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam; indirect GHG emissions are a consequence of the activities of the reporting entity, but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity. For Nielsen, this includes purchased electricity for location-based data. The United States uses eGrid factors provided by the EPA, determined by zip codes. All Latin American countries use IEA factors (reference: 2015 edition of the IEA factors for CO2 emissions from fuel combustion). Scope 2 emissions also includes purchased electricity for market-based data. We have used the Scope 2 Quality Criteria from the GHG Protocol for our market-based data; regionally, the United States and Canada use factors provided by Green-E, and all Latin American countries use IEA factors (reference: 2015 edition of the IEA factors for CO2 emissions from fuel combustion). Emissions are calculated and normalized to CO2equivalent (“CO2e”) using Global Warming Potentials. Location-based Scope 2 emissions for Latin America totaled 2,344.19 metric tons of CO2e. Market-based Scope 2 emissions for Latin America totaled 2,344.19 metric tons of CO2e. Location-based Scope 2 emissions for North America totaled 24,293.26 metric tons of CO2e. Market-based Scope 2 emissions for North America totaled 24,575.47 metric tons of CO2e. Location-based Scope 2 emissions for Europe totaled 2,462.45 metric tons of CO2e. Market-based Scope 2 emissions for Europe totaled 3,046.11 metric tons of CO2e.
5. 2017 full time employee (“FTE”) figures used relate solely to North America, Europe and Latin America. FTE count for North America was 11,056, for Europe was 9,995 and for Latin America was 7,124.
6. The Scope 1 intensity ratio was 0.03 (emissions reported above normalized to metric tons CO2e per FTE for North America, Europe and Latin America). The Scope 2 intensity ratio for location-based emissions was 1.03 (emissions reported above normalized to metric tons CO2e per FTE for North America, Europe and Latin America). The Scope 2 intensity ratio for market-based emissions was 1.06 (emissions reported above normalized to metric tons CO2e per FTE for North America, Europe and Latin America).